Making decorating choices can even seem pressured by those who can usually choose anything. We have had the pleasure of dealing with a lot of clients. We particularly remember one who wanted our help with choosing feature wallpaper for almost every room in her five-bedroom home. It was our pleasure to help with this. We sat in awe as we worked through paper books, and she quickly picked alternatives for each and every room. However, some of our clients find it incredibly hard to pick just one. Why is this?
This is often purely down to the choice available. Too much choice can send your head into a spin. You can get to the point where you have looked at so many different wallpapers that you become indifferent to them. Everyone is different so it is important that you feel confident in your selection. Furthermore, that you don’t feel pressured to make a certain choice.
Making Decorating Choices
We have had the pleasure of working with this client before. We were asked to help decorate their hall, stairs and landing at a time when they were away abroad, visiting family. All necessary plans were made, and everything discussed prior to them leaving. It is a great honour to be trusted in our clients’ homes. It was also really exciting to complete the work while they were away, knowing they would return to it being completed.
We had originally discussed covering all woodwork. The walls were to be painted in Ammonite with matching woodwork. As we started the project, stripping the layers off the dark woodwork revealed some really beautiful natural wood. It seemed such a shame to cover this up. Furthermore, the doors were to be left as dark wood. Therefore, we made the decision to leave the tops a natural wood to compliment their existing furniture and doors.
We felt confident that it would offer a depth to the decorating project. It took a lot more work than just painting them the same colour. However, we were extremely confident that it was well worth the extra work and that our clients would agree on their return. We are happy to report that they completely agreed and loved the results we were able to achieve. The space was completely transformed to a modern, bright and characterful area of this beautiful home.
Are you considering a decorating project? Get in touch by calling 01477 535862 today and we will be happy to help.

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