Statement wallpaper is not for everyone. If you are considering whether you would like to apply a bold wallpaper in your home, there are certain things you can do to help make the transition run smoothly.
Statement wallpaper in its very description offers an instant statement for your home. There are so many incredible bold and colourful wallpapers available online. It can sometimes feel like a bit of a challenge to choose just one for your room.
How Can I be sure About my Statement Wallpaper?
There are certain things that you can do to help ease the process. Firstly, it is always a good idea to have a look at the wallpaper. Whether you can order a sample online or visit a wallpaper shop. The way that a wallpaper can look online can be very different to that in real life.
Having a decent-sized sample will allow you to place it in the room that you are decorating. You can temporarily fix the sample paper onto the wall. This will let you see how it looks and feels during different light. Something you may like in the day might really not have that same appeal at night and vice versa.
Don’t be afraid of bold designs and colours. As well as creating a statement, it adds real character to your home. This character is personal. Some people are braver with designs than others and this is where it needs to come down to personal preference.
You can slightly reduce the impact of a statement paper by adding other characteristics to the room. You can add wall panelling to the space. This will cut the design in half and will offer a brilliant contrast. Furthermore, you can select the best colour for your wall panelling based on the colours and design of your chosen wallpaper.
We were recently asked to complete this decorating project in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. We hope you agree that it created a bold impact and one full of fun and impact. Call to request a decorating quote on 01477 535862.

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